Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Wait... what?

So apparently Rivet was named Captain. And it's not like I dislike him in the slightest (only I totally do), but what the hell?! I mean really, he's been with the team for how long? Three minutes? And he's all like "Hey, I'll take number 52 just because it's soooo close to 51 that it makes Anna upset to see it." Yep, he's totally doing it to upset me. Just so I go "OMG SOUPY!!!!!1111!! Oh wait... that's 52." What can I say, I love Soup. ):

"Initially, Rivet was not keen on the idea of coming to the Sabres."
Initially, Anna was not keen on the idea of Rivet coming to the Sabres. Oh wait, she still isn't.

But really, I thought that it would go to like the lovable Pommerdoodles... or Yo-Yo. But noooo, Super New Guy
(and that's super as in 'very' not super as in 'amazingly cool'). Blah. Apparently it was a team vote, though. So that means he must have bribed them all. Pommerdoodles with doggy biscuits, Goose with bread crumbs, Spacey with driving lessons (though you're welcome to hit my parents' cars, I'm all for getting your autograph) and so on.

In other news, saying Super New Guy made me think of the old New Guy (aka Steve Bernier). Which reminded me, I never got to gloat about me being right. When Soupy was traded for him (tear), I was all "wow, we totally got ripped off. We probably won't even keep Bernier and now we don't have any d. STUPID, STUPID, STUPID." And people were all convinced we would keep him. And then we didn't. So HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

In other, other news, Webby was sent down. Boo. So who's our d now?

Well, that's it. (:

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