Friday, October 17, 2008


I loveeeee going to games.
I loveeeeeeeeee going to games the Sabres win.
Tonight was awesome! So I thought I'd share some of my thoughts/experiences.

First off, those Canucks are disrespectful. They were /all/ fidgeting during the anthems. At least most of the Sabres weren't. And then, those sucky canuckies skated off before the American anthem ended! How dare they! Now, the Sabres, they all stood respectfully. Millsy even turned to look at each flag. But it was kinda weird how the Canucks were like all in a row and the Sabres were split up; two sabres, BIG GAP, three sabres. Is there a rift in our team? Gasp.

Secondly, some random dude high-fived me after the game. It was cool. xD Anddd, some dude was shouting "It must suck to be a Canuck." That dude's my hero. Oh and we were sitting in the 200s. Nice seats. Beside the sitting around beer vender thing.

Thirdly, the whole playlist thing is so much better at games. Especially since you have no idea what they picked and what is just being played. So for like every song I was like "I bet Royzie chose it." That included See You Again (the song of the devil) and Please Don't Stop the Music. And my brother said Royzie and Pominville are kinda gay because of the music they like. xp

The funniest thing to happen all night was probably when my brother asked me for a sip of my pop....
B: "Can I have a sip?"
A: -stares- ".... no."
B: "What? Come on."
A: ".... Fine. But you can't use the straw."
B: "What? No." -takes drink and sips- "I can't believe you."
-a few seconds later-
B: "I still can't believe you."
-Kaleta gets called for 'diving'-
A: "I can't believe that! Kaleta does not dive! Ughhh."
B: "You know, I still can't believe you.... I bet you'd let Patrick Kaleta have a sip."
A: "Yeah, I'd even let him use the straw."
B: "What?! I can't believe you!"
A: "MacArthur too."
B: "I just... I can't believe you! I'm your brother!"
.... And that was it, more or less.

It was a lot of fun; hearing stories from Billy, talking to him for once, watching the Sabres, arguing over little things. Yup. Which reminds me; I've got a list for you.

Ten things I don't like about my brother:
1. He thinks Ribbet is like, a God.
2. He hates Campbell.
3. He's in love with Booo-ry.
4. He's anti-Lydman.
5. He called me a communist because I don't like the Yankees.
6. He's trying to get me to like football.
7. He called me a communist because I don't like football.
8. He thinks my name should be Susan.
9. He doesn't hate Crosby and doesn't have proper respect for Kaner.
10. He hated Thibault and didn't believe me when I said he had like 40 shutouts.

There's so much more, but I can't think of it all at the moment. Yay Sabres for winning! We're 4-0. Game tomorrow. LET'S GO BUFFALO! (:

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