I'm sorry to inform you of this, but I think I'm the Sabres good luck charm.
Yeah, I know, you're going "what the hell, has Anna gone crazy again?"
Well, first off, I don't have to go crazy. I'm naturally crazy, thank-you-very-much.
Secondly, I'm serious here!
So far, the Sabres are:
when I'm watching the game.
when I'm listening to the game.
and 0-2-1
when I don't listen or watch.
When I don't watch, we don't do as well.... Which means the Sabres are sort-of screwed since I've been too busy to really watch lately. I mean, tonight I turned on my radio when happened to check the website and I saw the score was 5-2, but it was too late to reverse the damage of the Sabres not having me to cheer them on. Sorry guys.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
I blame society.
I'm left-handed. It's a pretty known fact. And if you didn't know it, well now you do. Anyways, the point is, I was reading some stuff about left-handed people, because well, why not? Pretty much, we get the short end of the stick just because we're unique.
1. Left handed people write from left to right, so that their hand smears the fresh ink across the page. Those who are right handed do not touch the ink until they get to the next line, so the ink has a few seconds to dry.
2. If you grab a coffee mug with your left hand, the picture will be facing away from you. Those who are right handed get to look at the picture while they drink.
3. Left handed people have little choice where they get to sit at large dinners, lest they bump elbows with a right handed person.
4. Car stick-shifts are on the right side of the driver. Less frequently used controls, such as headlight switches, are on the left side.
5. Scissors, kitchen knifes, bowling balls, computer mouses, golf clubs, can openers, baseball mitts, hockey sticks, guitars, bows (archery), desks, and more!
6. Left handed people are more prone to allergies, insomnia, migraines, dyslexia, schizophrenia, alcoholism, dying younger, and other stuff.
But there are some "ha, in your face right-handed peoples" kind-of things, too.
1. Studies suggest that left-handed people are often unusually creative, inventive, and athletic.
2. Lefties seem to have more of an edge in many sports. In tennis, and other games played with a racket, they have an advantage over right-handers because their opponents are accustomed to the spin, angle of return, and weakness of right-handed players. In baseball, left-handed batters stand on the right side of home plate, several steps closer to first base than a right handed batter.
3. Left handed people tend to be more likely to be on the extreme ends of the intelligence scale then right handed people. Meaning we're either really dumb or have an incredible IQ.
4. People who are left handed tend to think of many things simultaneously and start many activities.
5. The associated right brain hemisphere that is said to be more active in left-handed people, has been found in some circumstances to be associated with genius and is correlated with artistic and visual skill.
6. Lefties have excelled at both ends of the scale - the very good and the very bad. They seem to make exceptional leaders, inventors, artists, musicians and murderers!
Famous left-handed people?
Well, there's Prince William, Phil Esposito, Bobby Orr, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan, Kurt Cobain, Paul McCartney, Wolfgang Amedeus Mozart, Ringo Starr, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Napoleon Bonaparte, Julius Caesar, Emperor Charlemagne, Winston Churchill, Joan of Arc, Helen Keller, Henry Ford, Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Leonardo Da Vinci, Lewis Carroll, H.G. Wells, Hans Christian Anderson, and more.
So what have we learned? Right-handed people discriminate against amazing lefties by making products that are difficult for us to use then charging us tons more for left-handed products and not even offering these products in places like schools. Also, left-handed people are clearly more creative and are good leaders, artist, musicians, and more, but still are more likely to have some unfortunate health problems and ultimately die younger.
Summary? Be nice to lefties!
1. Left handed people write from left to right, so that their hand smears the fresh ink across the page. Those who are right handed do not touch the ink until they get to the next line, so the ink has a few seconds to dry.
2. If you grab a coffee mug with your left hand, the picture will be facing away from you. Those who are right handed get to look at the picture while they drink.
3. Left handed people have little choice where they get to sit at large dinners, lest they bump elbows with a right handed person.
4. Car stick-shifts are on the right side of the driver. Less frequently used controls, such as headlight switches, are on the left side.
5. Scissors, kitchen knifes, bowling balls, computer mouses, golf clubs, can openers, baseball mitts, hockey sticks, guitars, bows (archery), desks, and more!
6. Left handed people are more prone to allergies, insomnia, migraines, dyslexia, schizophrenia, alcoholism, dying younger, and other stuff.
But there are some "ha, in your face right-handed peoples" kind-of things, too.
1. Studies suggest that left-handed people are often unusually creative, inventive, and athletic.
2. Lefties seem to have more of an edge in many sports. In tennis, and other games played with a racket, they have an advantage over right-handers because their opponents are accustomed to the spin, angle of return, and weakness of right-handed players. In baseball, left-handed batters stand on the right side of home plate, several steps closer to first base than a right handed batter.
3. Left handed people tend to be more likely to be on the extreme ends of the intelligence scale then right handed people. Meaning we're either really dumb or have an incredible IQ.
4. People who are left handed tend to think of many things simultaneously and start many activities.
5. The associated right brain hemisphere that is said to be more active in left-handed people, has been found in some circumstances to be associated with genius and is correlated with artistic and visual skill.
6. Lefties have excelled at both ends of the scale - the very good and the very bad. They seem to make exceptional leaders, inventors, artists, musicians and murderers!
Famous left-handed people?
Well, there's Prince William, Phil Esposito, Bobby Orr, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan, Kurt Cobain, Paul McCartney, Wolfgang Amedeus Mozart, Ringo Starr, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Napoleon Bonaparte, Julius Caesar, Emperor Charlemagne, Winston Churchill, Joan of Arc, Helen Keller, Henry Ford, Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Leonardo Da Vinci, Lewis Carroll, H.G. Wells, Hans Christian Anderson, and more.
So what have we learned? Right-handed people discriminate against amazing lefties by making products that are difficult for us to use then charging us tons more for left-handed products and not even offering these products in places like schools. Also, left-handed people are clearly more creative and are good leaders, artist, musicians, and more, but still are more likely to have some unfortunate health problems and ultimately die younger.
Summary? Be nice to lefties!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
So, you know how Pommerdoodles has a blog thing? Welll, I submitted a few questions. You'll know if they're mine if he answers them. Haha.
In other news, Madagascar is winning the game, Spacey's in the box or somethin' and the world is endingggg. Well, maybe not the last one, but close enough.
Well, I've given up on winning this game. But I'm sure Millsy will be just fine. He'll go bake with Danny and then have a big tea party along with Staffy, Clarkie, Doodles, and their good friend Sir. Pigeon Pigeington. Goose would be invited, but he's not fond of tea. It burns his feathers. And as much as he'd like some crumb cake, he's watching his goose-ish figure. Oh and it's way past his bed time! Of course, they'll need to ask Limey to make them some tea, bless. And of course, Limey won't trust them with anything but paper plates and plastic cups. He barely trusts them with an easy bake oven and is currently cross at Vanek for buying dangerous toys for the little ones and not keeping an eye on them. He might have an endless paycheck, but that doesn't mean he should put the team in danger! And if you don't understand Limey's thoughts, then you obviously don't know how Goose or Hecht really got injured....
Pommerdoodles, what did I tell you about chewing your sticks? Sigh.
Aww, little baby Paetsch helps score. I think he'll be getting a gold star tonight!
TOMMY VANEK TIES THE GAME! It's like a flashback to the old days where I was an unexperienced fan and every game was won in the last two seconds. Haha. Tommy has been temporarily forgiven by Limey. I'm sure Limey's even considering buying him some chocolate to show him how properly sorry he is. It's just so easy to blame him for things, but then he looks at you with sad Tommy eyes and you go "aww, what the heck (if you swear he'll be cross with you), I forgive you."
They mentioned Tally and Toni in the same few seconds; are they a pairing tonight? Gasp. BFFZ reunited and it feels so gooooooddddddd.
ROYZIEZIEZIEIZIEZIEZIEZIE SCORESSSSSSSS. I love you Der-bear. And I'm positive you'll be getting a gold star too! Maybe you'll even get an invite to the tea party if you're not too busy denying the fact that you want to go to it and are quite jealous of Drewsie and Clark-bar fitting in with the older kids.
In other news, Madagascar is winning the game, Spacey's in the box or somethin' and the world is endingggg. Well, maybe not the last one, but close enough.
Well, I've given up on winning this game. But I'm sure Millsy will be just fine. He'll go bake with Danny and then have a big tea party along with Staffy, Clarkie, Doodles, and their good friend Sir. Pigeon Pigeington. Goose would be invited, but he's not fond of tea. It burns his feathers. And as much as he'd like some crumb cake, he's watching his goose-ish figure. Oh and it's way past his bed time! Of course, they'll need to ask Limey to make them some tea, bless. And of course, Limey won't trust them with anything but paper plates and plastic cups. He barely trusts them with an easy bake oven and is currently cross at Vanek for buying dangerous toys for the little ones and not keeping an eye on them. He might have an endless paycheck, but that doesn't mean he should put the team in danger! And if you don't understand Limey's thoughts, then you obviously don't know how Goose or Hecht really got injured....
Pommerdoodles, what did I tell you about chewing your sticks? Sigh.
Aww, little baby Paetsch helps score. I think he'll be getting a gold star tonight!
TOMMY VANEK TIES THE GAME! It's like a flashback to the old days where I was an unexperienced fan and every game was won in the last two seconds. Haha. Tommy has been temporarily forgiven by Limey. I'm sure Limey's even considering buying him some chocolate to show him how properly sorry he is. It's just so easy to blame him for things, but then he looks at you with sad Tommy eyes and you go "aww, what the heck (if you swear he'll be cross with you), I forgive you."
They mentioned Tally and Toni in the same few seconds; are they a pairing tonight? Gasp. BFFZ reunited and it feels so gooooooddddddd.
ROYZIEZIEZIEIZIEZIEZIEZIE SCORESSSSSSSS. I love you Der-bear. And I'm positive you'll be getting a gold star too! Maybe you'll even get an invite to the tea party if you're not too busy denying the fact that you want to go to it and are quite jealous of Drewsie and Clark-bar fitting in with the older kids.
A little bit of everything.
1. There's a game tonight! Yep, the Sabres are in Madagascar tonight.
2. RJ is being featured in some show thing that I've come to the conclusion I must watch. It's on at 7:30.
3. I was reading the Update on Prospects thing and made a few discoveries.
- Nathan Gerbe might not be in the NHL this year, but he's got something over a lot of the guys in the league; he's actually hit puberty!
He's got more facial hair than Briere and Crosby combined.
2. RJ is being featured in some show thing that I've come to the conclusion I must watch. It's on at 7:30.
3. I was reading the Update on Prospects thing and made a few discoveries.
- Nathan Gerbe might not be in the NHL this year, but he's got something over a lot of the guys in the league; he's actually hit puberty!

And that little tag on his helmet; very stylish. I'm sure even Millsy is jealous of that.
-They have a picture for Lucky Seventeen, only he's wearing number four. Which doesn't make sense seeing as he's obviously seventeen. xp
-They have a picture for Lucky Seventeen, only he's wearing number four. Which doesn't make sense seeing as he's obviously seventeen. xp
4. Cap'n Ribbet is now injured along with like half of our team. On the good side, it wasn't a lame injury like thumb or finger. On the bad side, his curfew will be moved down to 8:30. And he probably won't be allowed to go out and play. On the other good side, I'm sure he's received plenty of new teddy bears. Or maybe frogs....
5. Pommerdoodles clearly appreciates Clarkie and Sekera-Sekera.
6. I don't think I've ever shared the Sekera-Sekera song, have I? Haha.
5. Pommerdoodles clearly appreciates Clarkie and Sekera-Sekera.
6. I don't think I've ever shared the Sekera-Sekera song, have I? Haha.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Now that Vanek has a kid and a wife, he's suddenly turned into a wholesome father. And with that, I'm sure he has spread the 'joy' with his teammates through a lot of ways that annoy the hell out of them (or as I call it, Vanekisms). What are the things he says? Well, I'm the kind of person that can guess exactly what he'd say. Maybe it's because we share a neighborhood.
"Don't forget to wash behind your ears, Royzie."
"Tommy, I know how to shower...."
"I know, but everyone forgets to wash behind their ears...."
"You know, most children learn to speak by age one or two; have you ever thought about seeing a professional?"
".... -swears in Russian-"
"What do you say?"
"Tom, just give me my god damned jersey."
-singsong- "Not until you say the magic word, Petey."
"You know, veggies are an important part of your diet. Just because you think all you should be eating is bread crumbs-"
"Don't you take that tone of voice with me, mister! That's a time out for you!"
"Tom, I know that you're getting into this whole father thing, but was it really necessary to force Clarkie and Drewsie to draw pictures to hang around the locker room?"
"You know, children respond well to encouragement. You should have seen how happy they were when I hung their pictures."
"Teppo, did you ask if you could take the puck from that guy?"
"Vanek, we're playing hockey! You don't ask to take the puck from someone!"
"Tom, I think you're going a little too far-"
"I don't like that tone of voice. Just because you're captain doesn't mean you can misbehave! That's two minutes in the naughty chair."
"What?! I-"
"Now, mister or I'll make it four!"
-sighs and sits in small chair-
"Now think about what you've done."
"Now Ryan, do you know who that is?"
"Uh, Tommy, that's Goose."
"VERY GOOD! You figured it out alllll by yourself. Now, can you tell me what color this is? Take your time, little guy."
"Spacey, you played so well tonight, you get a gold star!"
"Van, we're grown men. We don't want-"
"Oooh, oooh, can I have one Tommy? Pleaseeee? I even said the magic word!"
"Very good, Pommerdoodles. You get two gold stars!"
"You know Timmy, they say that going to bed early helps you heal faster..."
"Well, I decided to move your curfew from 9:00 to 8:30."
"What? But Goose gets to stay up until 9:30 and he's healing too!"
"Yeah, but you never seem to heal properly. That extra hour of sleep will do you good."
"This is so NOT fair."
"Aww, come on. Turn that frown upside down, mister!"
"You know, young minds are very impressionable. So, I've decided that no one is allowed to say any naughty words in the locker room any more."
"What? Vanek, you do know we're not babies."
"Don't give me attitude, mister. I heard Pommers say some awful things the other day. He needs his cute innocence, that and a cool name is all he has!"
"Well, you have a point...."
"Danny, I'm very disappointed in you."
"Oh come on, Vanek, I didn't do anything!"
"Don't lie to me, young man, I saw you take the new toy truck I gave to Sekera!"
"I didn't-"
-glares menacingly-
"Okay, but it's not fair! I wanted a red truck but all I got was an easy bake oven!"
"Don't be greedy, Danny. Now go apologize to Sekera and maybe he'll let you play with him."
"You know, I always say that you have to discipline kids properly. You could really learn from that, Lindy."
"Get back to the game, Vanek."
"Stop right there, young man! You completely high sticked innocent little Toni over there! You go apologize to him and then two minutes in time out!"
"Excuse me, but I think giving out penalties is my job." (ref)
Kaleta, stop right there."
"What is it now, Vanek?"
"Did you really think I wouldn't notice?"
"I didn't do anything!"
"I told you that you weren't allowed to have any sweets for the rest of the week. Now what's that Take 5 doing in your hand?"
"Uh... I'm taking it for a walk?"
"Koda, I heard from Nathan that you wouldn't share your toys..."
"I can't believe him; he's such a tattletale!"
"You have to be nicer to the younger players, Koda. Back in my day...."
Vanek: "Stop that right now, misters!"
Random fighting guy: "Um, excuse me?"
Vanek: "Fighting is not the answer! Now Kaleta, let go of him right now or you can't watch TV for a week."
Random fighting guy: "What's going on?!"
Kaleta: "I'm sorry, Vanek. But it wasn't my fault, he said that my mom-"
Vanek: "That's enough, Patrick. Now, go take a time out in the naughty chair and think about what you've done."
Random fighting guy: "Seriously, what is this?"
"Don't forget to wash behind your ears, Royzie."
"Tommy, I know how to shower...."
"I know, but everyone forgets to wash behind their ears...."
"You know, most children learn to speak by age one or two; have you ever thought about seeing a professional?"
".... -swears in Russian-"
"What do you say?"
"Tom, just give me my god damned jersey."
-singsong- "Not until you say the magic word, Petey."
"You know, veggies are an important part of your diet. Just because you think all you should be eating is bread crumbs-"
"Don't you take that tone of voice with me, mister! That's a time out for you!"
"Tom, I know that you're getting into this whole father thing, but was it really necessary to force Clarkie and Drewsie to draw pictures to hang around the locker room?"
"You know, children respond well to encouragement. You should have seen how happy they were when I hung their pictures."
"Teppo, did you ask if you could take the puck from that guy?"
"Vanek, we're playing hockey! You don't ask to take the puck from someone!"
"Tom, I think you're going a little too far-"
"I don't like that tone of voice. Just because you're captain doesn't mean you can misbehave! That's two minutes in the naughty chair."
"What?! I-"
"Now, mister or I'll make it four!"
-sighs and sits in small chair-
"Now think about what you've done."
"Now Ryan, do you know who that is?"
"Uh, Tommy, that's Goose."
"VERY GOOD! You figured it out alllll by yourself. Now, can you tell me what color this is? Take your time, little guy."
"Spacey, you played so well tonight, you get a gold star!"
"Van, we're grown men. We don't want-"
"Oooh, oooh, can I have one Tommy? Pleaseeee? I even said the magic word!"
"Very good, Pommerdoodles. You get two gold stars!"
"You know Timmy, they say that going to bed early helps you heal faster..."
"Well, I decided to move your curfew from 9:00 to 8:30."
"What? But Goose gets to stay up until 9:30 and he's healing too!"
"Yeah, but you never seem to heal properly. That extra hour of sleep will do you good."
"This is so NOT fair."
"Aww, come on. Turn that frown upside down, mister!"
"You know, young minds are very impressionable. So, I've decided that no one is allowed to say any naughty words in the locker room any more."
"What? Vanek, you do know we're not babies."
"Don't give me attitude, mister. I heard Pommers say some awful things the other day. He needs his cute innocence, that and a cool name is all he has!"
"Well, you have a point...."
"Danny, I'm very disappointed in you."
"Oh come on, Vanek, I didn't do anything!"
"Don't lie to me, young man, I saw you take the new toy truck I gave to Sekera!"
"I didn't-"
-glares menacingly-
"Okay, but it's not fair! I wanted a red truck but all I got was an easy bake oven!"
"Don't be greedy, Danny. Now go apologize to Sekera and maybe he'll let you play with him."
"You know, I always say that you have to discipline kids properly. You could really learn from that, Lindy."
"Get back to the game, Vanek."
"Stop right there, young man! You completely high sticked innocent little Toni over there! You go apologize to him and then two minutes in time out!"
"Excuse me, but I think giving out penalties is my job." (ref)
Kaleta, stop right there."
"What is it now, Vanek?"
"Did you really think I wouldn't notice?"
"I didn't do anything!"
"I told you that you weren't allowed to have any sweets for the rest of the week. Now what's that Take 5 doing in your hand?"
"Uh... I'm taking it for a walk?"
"Koda, I heard from Nathan that you wouldn't share your toys..."
"I can't believe him; he's such a tattletale!"
"You have to be nicer to the younger players, Koda. Back in my day...."
Vanek: "Stop that right now, misters!"
Random fighting guy: "Um, excuse me?"
Vanek: "Fighting is not the answer! Now Kaleta, let go of him right now or you can't watch TV for a week."
Random fighting guy: "What's going on?!"
Kaleta: "I'm sorry, Vanek. But it wasn't my fault, he said that my mom-"
Vanek: "That's enough, Patrick. Now, go take a time out in the naughty chair and think about what you've done."
Random fighting guy: "Seriously, what is this?"
"He had Fernandez out to lunch." Very smart, Drewsie. I bet he ordered goalie dude a big mac, too, just to slow him down some more. Where as Drewsie probably had a nice healthy apple. Or maybe an orange. Perhaps even a fruit salad. I bet that choice of healthful fruit will win him the pigeon. Now that's a real honor; I bet it will even go on his resume.
The wholesome father wins the game in the shootout. Vanek is like the wholesome father of the team now. I bet he says things like "back in my day..." and "you know, you shouldn't stay up so late..." and "don't forget to eat your veggies..." despite the fact that a good deal of his team mates are older and have kids of their own who are practically Vanek's age.
"He had Fernandez out to lunch." Very smart, Drewsie. I bet he ordered goalie dude a big mac, too, just to slow him down some more. Where as Drewsie probably had a nice healthy apple. Or maybe an orange. Perhaps even a fruit salad. I bet that choice of healthful fruit will win him the pigeon. Now that's a real honor; I bet it will even go on his resume.
The wholesome father wins the game in the shootout. Vanek is like the wholesome father of the team now. I bet he says things like "back in my day..." and "you know, you shouldn't stay up so late..." and "don't forget to eat your veggies..." despite the fact that a good deal of his team mates are older and have kids of their own who are practically Vanek's age.
Monday, October 20, 2008
This message is pigeon approved.
Wow, the Sabres might actually be as weird as we imagine them to be. All I need to see is Maxy doing the macarena (Maxarena haha), a game of Glogg pong, and a few 'Gretzky for prezky' shirts and I'm sold.
But pretty much, if you haven't read the Sabres web, they have a stuffed pigeon. And they award it to the dude who played the best. Yeah, I know. And Spacey is Head Pigeon himself, what an honor.
“We’re a bunch of 25 goofballs that just love to play hockey.” Well said, Peters, well said.
Also, I forgot a couple things in my Sabres/Canuckies post:
1. At the game, these girls had one of the most amazing signs ever. "Put Lalime in the coconut." Genius.
2. The kiss cam thing was quite funny as it fell on this dude who was about to drink some beer and then he was still going to but hesitated and decided to first kiss his girlfriend/wife/whatever she is to him.
3. It was absolutely adorable when Koda tackled Van-Van in goal celebration. But Vanek looked like he was in pain when he got up. In my words "ooh, that had to hurt."
But pretty much, if you haven't read the Sabres web, they have a stuffed pigeon. And they award it to the dude who played the best. Yeah, I know. And Spacey is Head Pigeon himself, what an honor.
“We’re a bunch of 25 goofballs that just love to play hockey.” Well said, Peters, well said.
Also, I forgot a couple things in my Sabres/Canuckies post:
1. At the game, these girls had one of the most amazing signs ever. "Put Lalime in the coconut." Genius.
2. The kiss cam thing was quite funny as it fell on this dude who was about to drink some beer and then he was still going to but hesitated and decided to first kiss his girlfriend/wife/whatever she is to him.
3. It was absolutely adorable when Koda tackled Van-Van in goal celebration. But Vanek looked like he was in pain when he got up. In my words "ooh, that had to hurt."
Saturday, October 18, 2008
You know what?
I came to the decision that I should be the DJ at some party. Mainly because I have amazing taste in music and we'd be jamming out to Cobra Starship, McFly, Faber Drive, and other sweet bands/songs. How amazing would that be? I know, right? I'd even take requests. And play classic old stupid stuff. Like old school Backstreet Boys, Spice Girls, and N'Sync. Haha.
Also, random, I'd like to say that I don't like Katy Perry. Why? Just because. And Hot and Cold is a somewhat annoying song, but the music video is quite clever.
Also, random, I'd like to say that I don't like Katy Perry. Why? Just because. And Hot and Cold is a somewhat annoying song, but the music video is quite clever.
Friday, October 17, 2008
I loveeeee going to games.
I loveeeeeeeeee going to games the Sabres win.
Tonight was awesome! So I thought I'd share some of my thoughts/experiences.
First off, those Canucks are disrespectful. They were /all/ fidgeting during the anthems. At least most of the Sabres weren't. And then, those sucky canuckies skated off before the American anthem ended! How dare they! Now, the Sabres, they all stood respectfully. Millsy even turned to look at each flag. But it was kinda weird how the Canucks were like all in a row and the Sabres were split up; two sabres, BIG GAP, three sabres. Is there a rift in our team? Gasp.
Secondly, some random dude high-fived me after the game. It was cool. xD Anddd, some dude was shouting "It must suck to be a Canuck." That dude's my hero. Oh and we were sitting in the 200s. Nice seats. Beside the sitting around beer vender thing.
Thirdly, the whole playlist thing is so much better at games. Especially since you have no idea what they picked and what is just being played. So for like every song I was like "I bet Royzie chose it." That included See You Again (the song of the devil) and Please Don't Stop the Music. And my brother said Royzie and Pominville are kinda gay because of the music they like. xp
The funniest thing to happen all night was probably when my brother asked me for a sip of my pop....
B: "Can I have a sip?"
A: -stares- ".... no."
B: "What? Come on."
A: ".... Fine. But you can't use the straw."
B: "What? No." -takes drink and sips- "I can't believe you."
-a few seconds later-
B: "I still can't believe you."
-Kaleta gets called for 'diving'-
A: "I can't believe that! Kaleta does not dive! Ughhh."
B: "You know, I still can't believe you.... I bet you'd let Patrick Kaleta have a sip."
A: "Yeah, I'd even let him use the straw."
B: "What?! I can't believe you!"
A: "MacArthur too."
B: "I just... I can't believe you! I'm your brother!"
.... And that was it, more or less.
It was a lot of fun; hearing stories from Billy, talking to him for once, watching the Sabres, arguing over little things. Yup. Which reminds me; I've got a list for you.
Ten things I don't like about my brother:
1. He thinks Ribbet is like, a God.
2. He hates Campbell.
3. He's in love with Booo-ry.
4. He's anti-Lydman.
5. He called me a communist because I don't like the Yankees.
6. He's trying to get me to like football.
7. He called me a communist because I don't like football.
8. He thinks my name should be Susan.
9. He doesn't hate Crosby and doesn't have proper respect for Kaner.
10. He hated Thibault and didn't believe me when I said he had like 40 shutouts.
There's so much more, but I can't think of it all at the moment. Yay Sabres for winning! We're 4-0. Game tomorrow. LET'S GO BUFFALO! (:
I loveeeeeeeeee going to games the Sabres win.
Tonight was awesome! So I thought I'd share some of my thoughts/experiences.
First off, those Canucks are disrespectful. They were /all/ fidgeting during the anthems. At least most of the Sabres weren't. And then, those sucky canuckies skated off before the American anthem ended! How dare they! Now, the Sabres, they all stood respectfully. Millsy even turned to look at each flag. But it was kinda weird how the Canucks were like all in a row and the Sabres were split up; two sabres, BIG GAP, three sabres. Is there a rift in our team? Gasp.
Secondly, some random dude high-fived me after the game. It was cool. xD Anddd, some dude was shouting "It must suck to be a Canuck." That dude's my hero. Oh and we were sitting in the 200s. Nice seats. Beside the sitting around beer vender thing.
Thirdly, the whole playlist thing is so much better at games. Especially since you have no idea what they picked and what is just being played. So for like every song I was like "I bet Royzie chose it." That included See You Again (the song of the devil) and Please Don't Stop the Music. And my brother said Royzie and Pominville are kinda gay because of the music they like. xp
The funniest thing to happen all night was probably when my brother asked me for a sip of my pop....
B: "Can I have a sip?"
A: -stares- ".... no."
B: "What? Come on."
A: ".... Fine. But you can't use the straw."
B: "What? No." -takes drink and sips- "I can't believe you."
-a few seconds later-
B: "I still can't believe you."
-Kaleta gets called for 'diving'-
A: "I can't believe that! Kaleta does not dive! Ughhh."
B: "You know, I still can't believe you.... I bet you'd let Patrick Kaleta have a sip."
A: "Yeah, I'd even let him use the straw."
B: "What?! I can't believe you!"
A: "MacArthur too."
B: "I just... I can't believe you! I'm your brother!"
.... And that was it, more or less.
It was a lot of fun; hearing stories from Billy, talking to him for once, watching the Sabres, arguing over little things. Yup. Which reminds me; I've got a list for you.
Ten things I don't like about my brother:
1. He thinks Ribbet is like, a God.
2. He hates Campbell.
3. He's in love with Booo-ry.
4. He's anti-Lydman.
5. He called me a communist because I don't like the Yankees.
6. He's trying to get me to like football.
7. He called me a communist because I don't like football.
8. He thinks my name should be Susan.
9. He doesn't hate Crosby and doesn't have proper respect for Kaner.
10. He hated Thibault and didn't believe me when I said he had like 40 shutouts.
There's so much more, but I can't think of it all at the moment. Yay Sabres for winning! We're 4-0. Game tomorrow. LET'S GO BUFFALO! (:
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Tomorrow is my birthday and Julie's probably past annoyed with my excited ranting, so I thought, "hey, why not use my blog to excitedly rant?" And so I shall.
1. My family has a tradition that the birthday girl/boy gets to choose dinner (except for last year when my parents were like, "guess what, you get pizza."). And this year my choice is spaghetti. Yum.
2. I'm getting one of those delicious Carvel ice cream cakes.
3. I'm going to the SABRES GAME with my brother! And this time I won't be too awed by seeing them live or trying to be respectful whilst sitting in a box to cheer loudly and generally make lots of noise that will eventually make my brother look at me questioningly.
4. I'm pretty sure my mom bought me loads of clothes that I don't particularly need, but will generously accept anyways. You know, don't want to make her feel like I don't appreciate her buying me gifts. It would have absolutely nothing to do with the fact that they will most likely be very cute shirts and possibly a furry hoodie of some-sort from PacSun (if I'm lucky).
5. My dad, not wanting to get me the wrong gift, has let me choose the gift I receive from him. First he offered me a cellphone with texting and all, but I decided that I could wait until Christmas for that. So it comes down to new earphones for my iPod or radio:ACTIVE, McFly's newest CD. I'm pretty sure I'll get him to order radio:ACTIVE for me and purchase my own earphones using the gift card to Target my grandparents gave me since it would be much more difficult for me to buy radio:ACTIVE myself.
6. Whilst on the subway, on the way to the game, my brother will probably tell me more stories about how he skipped school and went to Darien Lake. And on the way back, we'll walk and just miss the subway at all the stops until the very last one where we wait forever while he retells the story about how him, my older sister, and their friends once missed the subway and had to call a taxi or something of that sort.
7. Just maybe I'll get to wear the "C'est mon anniversaire!" button tomorrow.
8. My little sister made me a card. She made it with my knowledge, but every time I'd walk by she'd just about jump on top of it and yell "NO, YOU CAN'T SEE IT!" Bless.
9. My birthday happened to fall on a Friday. Which happens to be the best day for birthdays. (Looking on the sad side of things, this means my actually birthday won't fall on a school day ever again in high school. Semi-sigh.)
10. There's only 1 hour and 54 minutes until midnight!
1. My family has a tradition that the birthday girl/boy gets to choose dinner (except for last year when my parents were like, "guess what, you get pizza."). And this year my choice is spaghetti. Yum.
2. I'm getting one of those delicious Carvel ice cream cakes.
3. I'm going to the SABRES GAME with my brother! And this time I won't be too awed by seeing them live or trying to be respectful whilst sitting in a box to cheer loudly and generally make lots of noise that will eventually make my brother look at me questioningly.
4. I'm pretty sure my mom bought me loads of clothes that I don't particularly need, but will generously accept anyways. You know, don't want to make her feel like I don't appreciate her buying me gifts. It would have absolutely nothing to do with the fact that they will most likely be very cute shirts and possibly a furry hoodie of some-sort from PacSun (if I'm lucky).
5. My dad, not wanting to get me the wrong gift, has let me choose the gift I receive from him. First he offered me a cellphone with texting and all, but I decided that I could wait until Christmas for that. So it comes down to new earphones for my iPod or radio:ACTIVE, McFly's newest CD. I'm pretty sure I'll get him to order radio:ACTIVE for me and purchase my own earphones using the gift card to Target my grandparents gave me since it would be much more difficult for me to buy radio:ACTIVE myself.
6. Whilst on the subway, on the way to the game, my brother will probably tell me more stories about how he skipped school and went to Darien Lake. And on the way back, we'll walk and just miss the subway at all the stops until the very last one where we wait forever while he retells the story about how him, my older sister, and their friends once missed the subway and had to call a taxi or something of that sort.
7. Just maybe I'll get to wear the "C'est mon anniversaire!" button tomorrow.
8. My little sister made me a card. She made it with my knowledge, but every time I'd walk by she'd just about jump on top of it and yell "NO, YOU CAN'T SEE IT!" Bless.
9. My birthday happened to fall on a Friday. Which happens to be the best day for birthdays. (Looking on the sad side of things, this means my actually birthday won't fall on a school day ever again in high school. Semi-sigh.)
10. There's only 1 hour and 54 minutes until midnight!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
It just was.
Tonight was a rather good night.
First and foremost, the Sabres won. Winning is always a pleasant thing- as long as it's the Sabres that won.
Second, Vanek scored TWO goals. That means he's scored 5 in 3 games, an average of 1.a-lot-of-sixes. Maybe it's a good thing to be one of my supported Sabres; they seem to be doing well (except for Maxy who's getting closer to doing well).
Third, we made the Rangers lose. Now they're 5-1.
Fourth, we ruined the Rangers perfect penalty kill whilst maintaining ours. Skillz.
Fifth, our power play and penalty kill is not completely frightening as it was in the pre-season.
Sixth, my "sucking in the pre-season means we'll do well in the regular season" is slowly becoming less ludicrous, but by saying this I'm obviously jinxing it.
Seventh, I'll be at Friday's game, and while the Sabres did win the game I went to last year, I can't guarantee anything.
Eighth, apparently I'm a Sabre now. I dunno, ask my dad about that one.
Ninth, I've come to the conclusion that my dad's presence is unlucky and shall banish him from watching games; therefore the Sabres will have no reason to lose and shall win all 82 games, setting a new record and generally becoming heroes.
Tenth, Lindy Ruff got his 400th win as coach and Vanek got his 200th point in the NHL or something of that sort.
Eleventh, I finished reading Equal Rites. It's quite good and I recommend it- though you may want to read The Color of Magic and The Light Fantastic first, since it's sort-of a series. If you read Equal Rites, you'd understand it, but it makes more sense having read the first two books. After all, Terry Pratchett isn't like Stephenie Meyers who restates everything in her books.
Nvnc id vides, nvnc ne vides.
First and foremost, the Sabres won. Winning is always a pleasant thing- as long as it's the Sabres that won.
Second, Vanek scored TWO goals. That means he's scored 5 in 3 games, an average of 1.a-lot-of-sixes. Maybe it's a good thing to be one of my supported Sabres; they seem to be doing well (except for Maxy who's getting closer to doing well).
Third, we made the Rangers lose. Now they're 5-1.
Fourth, we ruined the Rangers perfect penalty kill whilst maintaining ours. Skillz.
Fifth, our power play and penalty kill is not completely frightening as it was in the pre-season.
Sixth, my "sucking in the pre-season means we'll do well in the regular season" is slowly becoming less ludicrous, but by saying this I'm obviously jinxing it.
Seventh, I'll be at Friday's game, and while the Sabres did win the game I went to last year, I can't guarantee anything.
Eighth, apparently I'm a Sabre now. I dunno, ask my dad about that one.
Ninth, I've come to the conclusion that my dad's presence is unlucky and shall banish him from watching games; therefore the Sabres will have no reason to lose and shall win all 82 games, setting a new record and generally becoming heroes.
Tenth, Lindy Ruff got his 400th win as coach and Vanek got his 200th point in the NHL or something of that sort.
Eleventh, I finished reading Equal Rites. It's quite good and I recommend it- though you may want to read The Color of Magic and The Light Fantastic first, since it's sort-of a series. If you read Equal Rites, you'd understand it, but it makes more sense having read the first two books. After all, Terry Pratchett isn't like Stephenie Meyers who restates everything in her books.
Nvnc id vides, nvnc ne vides.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Limey-Lime-Lime, you're my hero.
Well, obviously I didn't do game notes. Duh. But I feel like commenting on a few things.
That was directed towards all the Vanek haters. Vanek has three goals in two games, which averages to 1.5 goals a game. In your faces. Vanek is neither slag-faced or whorish. He is a good wholesome father who likes scoring odd goals and making a weird face.
2. Limey-Lime-Lime.
Um, hello. AMAZING GOALIE ALERT. Miller better watch out. Between the "hey, I'm a sweet-awesome goalie," and "my mask has Marvin Martian on it," welllll, you just better watch out, Ry.
3. Islander Arena.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's called like We Love Veterans Memorial Ice Rink Arena or something remotely similar, but Islander Arena just sounds better. First off, what's up with the really slippery ice that makes the puck go ZOOM? Second, it's disgraceful that there were large chunks of seats open. Where art thou fans? Third, what's with this whole making Miller sit in a chairin the orchestra room, by himself, all alone, and I don't know why, all by his lonesome? Cruel and unusual, much?
4. Comrie.
Wow, I didn't know I hated him so much. I really liked RJ's comment though. "It's really a good thing Tallinder turned down fighting him [Comrie]; he'd [Comrie] need a step stool to reach him." Well, it was something like that. Haha, short dude.
5. All hail Cap'n Ribbet. Well, not really.
Um, yeah. Fighting, when not standing up for a team mate, is disgraceful when you're captain. In other news, I was ranting to my dad about how I dislike the New Guy Captain thing and I happened to mention how the players voted for him and my dad suggested that perhaps no one wanted to be captain so they were like, "hey, you know what would be funny? We could vote New Guy as Captain!" "Honk, honk honk!!!" "-does cartwheels-" "Ha, what they said!"
6. MacArthur.
Okay, so he's wickedly awesome. And I have an autographed puck of his; be jealous.
That was directed towards all the Vanek haters. Vanek has three goals in two games, which averages to 1.5 goals a game. In your faces. Vanek is neither slag-faced or whorish. He is a good wholesome father who likes scoring odd goals and making a weird face.
2. Limey-Lime-Lime.
Um, hello. AMAZING GOALIE ALERT. Miller better watch out. Between the "hey, I'm a sweet-awesome goalie," and "my mask has Marvin Martian on it," welllll, you just better watch out, Ry.
3. Islander Arena.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's called like We Love Veterans Memorial Ice Rink Arena or something remotely similar, but Islander Arena just sounds better. First off, what's up with the really slippery ice that makes the puck go ZOOM? Second, it's disgraceful that there were large chunks of seats open. Where art thou fans? Third, what's with this whole making Miller sit in a chair
4. Comrie.
Wow, I didn't know I hated him so much. I really liked RJ's comment though. "It's really a good thing Tallinder turned down fighting him [Comrie]; he'd [Comrie] need a step stool to reach him." Well, it was something like that. Haha, short dude.
5. All hail Cap'n Ribbet. Well, not really.
Um, yeah. Fighting, when not standing up for a team mate, is disgraceful when you're captain. In other news, I was ranting to my dad about how I dislike the New Guy Captain thing and I happened to mention how the players voted for him and my dad suggested that perhaps no one wanted to be captain so they were like, "hey, you know what would be funny? We could vote New Guy as Captain!" "Honk, honk honk!!!" "-does cartwheels-" "Ha, what they said!"
6. MacArthur.
Okay, so he's wickedly awesome. And I have an autographed puck of his; be jealous.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Glogg Pong
Scene: after a long game, Mr. Ruff is holding a press conference....
Hank: Guys, I don't know if this is going to work...
Spacey: -in a funny accent- Oh come on, Tally. What are they going to do? Bench us next game? We're defense; we're immune to benching.
Hank: Okay, okay. But if we get caught-
Spacey: Just blame it on Max like last time.
Hank sighs and proceeds to sneak into the conference, making a huge distraction.
Spacey: You're up, Maxy.
Max: -nods due to lack of English skillz-
Max sneaks into Lindy's back pocket and grabs the get-into-anything key without anyone noticing; the perks of being a super Russian spy. The guys go on to sneak into the Bandit's locker room where Toni the Tiger and Millsy are already waiting with the glogg.
Millsy: -sigh- Can we hurry up with this? I'm missing my soaps to referee your game!
Toni: Okay, okay. I've got the glogg here, you guys set up the cups, okay?
Spacey: Ja, ja. Set up the cups, Max.
Max: -shakes head, blinks twice, claps hands together-
Max: -stares intently before hopping on one foot and holding up three fingers-
Spacey: Well, I know you were watching House last night, but that doesn't mean you can just forget to buy cups.
Toni: -sighs- So what are we going to do now?
Hank: Well, we can't let all this glogg go to waste, just toss it over here and-
Toni: No way you glogg-aholic. Last time we let you hold the glogg, it was gone before we could blink. And then you went and blamed it on Sabretooth....
Millsy: -muttering- Stupid defensemen....
Max: -snaps fingers, blinks three times, does the macarena-
Toni: Won't the lacrosse balls roll over?
Max: -sighs and does handstand-
Toni: Ooooh, well why didn't you say we'd use Marty's old tape?
The five spend the next few minutes cutting lacrosse balls in half and taping them to the table so that the open part is facing up. Toni proceeds to pour the glogg into the "cups," making sure Hank isn't nearby.
Millsy: Okay, so the teams will be-
Toni: Oooh, ooh! I get Hank!!
Millsy: -sigh- Toni, you always pair up with him. Tonight's teams are Max and Hank versus you and Spacey.
Toni: -pouts- Fine.
Several minutes later.
Spacey: Haha, Toni. You lose again!
Hank: We're on fire tonight, Spacey. -highfives-
Goose: -suddenly bursts in- Honk honk honk honk-honk?
Millsy: Goose, what are you doing here, dude? -smiles nervously-
Goose: Honk, honk honk honk honk-honk?!
Spacey: Well, we were going to invite you, but then... um...
Goose: .... honk?
Millsy: -glares are Spacey- Of course we like you, Goosey! It's just, you tend to honk loudly when you're drunk and we can't get caught by Lindy again.... Why don't you go home and practice your viola? I'll call you tomorrow and we can gossip about Crosby's crocs. Okay?
Goose: Honk, honk HONK!!!
Millsy: I know, yellow is totally not his color! But we'll talk about that tomorrow.
Goose: Honk. -smiles and flies away-
Hank: -sighs- That was close; I thought he was going to start pecking us again.
Hank: Guys, I don't know if this is going to work...
Spacey: -in a funny accent- Oh come on, Tally. What are they going to do? Bench us next game? We're defense; we're immune to benching.
Hank: Okay, okay. But if we get caught-
Spacey: Just blame it on Max like last time.
Hank sighs and proceeds to sneak into the conference, making a huge distraction.
Spacey: You're up, Maxy.
Max: -nods due to lack of English skillz-
Max sneaks into Lindy's back pocket and grabs the get-into-anything key without anyone noticing; the perks of being a super Russian spy. The guys go on to sneak into the Bandit's locker room where Toni the Tiger and Millsy are already waiting with the glogg.
Millsy: -sigh- Can we hurry up with this? I'm missing my soaps to referee your game!
Toni: Okay, okay. I've got the glogg here, you guys set up the cups, okay?
Spacey: Ja, ja. Set up the cups, Max.
Max: -shakes head, blinks twice, claps hands together-
Max: -stares intently before hopping on one foot and holding up three fingers-
Spacey: Well, I know you were watching House last night, but that doesn't mean you can just forget to buy cups.
Toni: -sighs- So what are we going to do now?
Hank: Well, we can't let all this glogg go to waste, just toss it over here and-
Toni: No way you glogg-aholic. Last time we let you hold the glogg, it was gone before we could blink. And then you went and blamed it on Sabretooth....
Millsy: -muttering- Stupid defensemen....
Max: -snaps fingers, blinks three times, does the macarena-
Toni: Won't the lacrosse balls roll over?
Max: -sighs and does handstand-
Toni: Ooooh, well why didn't you say we'd use Marty's old tape?
The five spend the next few minutes cutting lacrosse balls in half and taping them to the table so that the open part is facing up. Toni proceeds to pour the glogg into the "cups," making sure Hank isn't nearby.
Millsy: Okay, so the teams will be-
Toni: Oooh, ooh! I get Hank!!
Millsy: -sigh- Toni, you always pair up with him. Tonight's teams are Max and Hank versus you and Spacey.
Toni: -pouts- Fine.
Several minutes later.
Spacey: Haha, Toni. You lose again!
Hank: We're on fire tonight, Spacey. -highfives-
Goose: -suddenly bursts in- Honk honk honk honk-honk?
Millsy: Goose, what are you doing here, dude? -smiles nervously-
Goose: Honk, honk honk honk honk-honk?!
Spacey: Well, we were going to invite you, but then... um...
Goose: .... honk?
Millsy: -glares are Spacey- Of course we like you, Goosey! It's just, you tend to honk loudly when you're drunk and we can't get caught by Lindy again.... Why don't you go home and practice your viola? I'll call you tomorrow and we can gossip about Crosby's crocs. Okay?
Goose: Honk, honk HONK!!!
Millsy: I know, yellow is totally not his color! But we'll talk about that tomorrow.
Goose: Honk. -smiles and flies away-
Hank: -sighs- That was close; I thought he was going to start pecking us again.
So I'm reading the Sabres Section of today's Buffalo News and I was expecting a bunch of "hey, the Sabres are going to suck. I LOVE THE EVIL MIDGET. DIEEE SABRES, DIEEEE," kind of stuff. But instead I found some heartwarming stories. And by heartwarming stories, I mean stories that only Sabres fans would be interested in and normal people would go "wait, you find that heartwarming? Weirdo."
So, I look on the cover and it makes me happy. And not like that stupid song. "The few. The proud. The core." Being reminded that we have a core group locked up is a nice thing.
Then comes the article with the big "I'm mysterious" Miller picture that talks about how he gave up the chance to play for teams like Detroit to stay here in little old Buffalo with all his BFFz. Awww. He likes us, he really likes us!
Next there's perhaps my favorite article. Core Strength. The cute little team huddle is a nice shot, but Lydman's kinda in there guys; he's not in the core.... Anyways, the article talks about how they all matured together. And how Pommerdoodles needed Petey's help to pay bills and buy a cell phone because he was a lost little 19-year-old Canadian boy, Canadian boy. Then it goes on to mention how Miller and Goose are bffz and they lived together and they went traveling through Europe together. And then Super New Guy gets like one line about how he thinks he's gonna like it here. Yeah, that's what they all say.
The last article I'm talking about is the Vanek one. All I have to say is that I find it cute that he refers to mini-Vanek as "the little guy." And he took the little guy to Austria with him. By the way, Austria is not equal to Australia. One is in Europe and the other has kangaroos.
So, I look on the cover and it makes me happy. And not like that stupid song. "The few. The proud. The core." Being reminded that we have a core group locked up is a nice thing.
Then comes the article with the big "I'm mysterious" Miller picture that talks about how he gave up the chance to play for teams like Detroit to stay here in little old Buffalo with all his BFFz. Awww. He likes us, he really likes us!
Next there's perhaps my favorite article. Core Strength. The cute little team huddle is a nice shot, but Lydman's kinda in there guys; he's not in the core.... Anyways, the article talks about how they all matured together. And how Pommerdoodles needed Petey's help to pay bills and buy a cell phone because he was a lost little 19-year-old Canadian boy, Canadian boy. Then it goes on to mention how Miller and Goose are bffz and they lived together and they went traveling through Europe together. And then Super New Guy gets like one line about how he thinks he's gonna like it here. Yeah, that's what they all say.
The last article I'm talking about is the Vanek one. All I have to say is that I find it cute that he refers to mini-Vanek as "the little guy." And he took the little guy to Austria with him. By the way, Austria is not equal to Australia. One is in Europe and the other has kangaroos.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
tomato SOUP.
All that Soupy talk in my last post made me wonder what my favorite non-Sabre is up to these days. So I checked the Blackhawks' site and what did I find?
No more hair/jersey clashing!

Red is really Soupy's color. Much better than strange blue and orange. This Blackhawks thing might just be good for him. I mean, he gets to be BFFz with Kaner and not clash awfully.
Wait... what?
So apparently Rivet was named Captain. And it's not like I dislike him in the slightest (only I totally do), but what the hell?! I mean really, he's been with the team for how long? Three minutes? And he's all like "Hey, I'll take number 52 just because it's soooo close to 51 that it makes Anna upset to see it." Yep, he's totally doing it to upset me. Just so I go "OMG SOUPY!!!!!1111!! Oh wait... that's 52." What can I say, I love Soup. ):
"Initially, Rivet was not keen on the idea of coming to the Sabres."
Initially, Anna was not keen on the idea of Rivet coming to the Sabres. Oh wait, she still isn't.
But really, I thought that it would go to like the lovable Pommerdoodles... or Yo-Yo. But noooo, Super New Guy (and that's super as in 'very' not super as in 'amazingly cool'). Blah. Apparently it was a team vote, though. So that means he must have bribed them all. Pommerdoodles with doggy biscuits, Goose with bread crumbs, Spacey with driving lessons (though you're welcome to hit my parents' cars, I'm all for getting your autograph) and so on.
In other news, saying Super New Guy made me think of the old New Guy (aka Steve Bernier). Which reminded me, I never got to gloat about me being right. When Soupy was traded for him (tear), I was all "wow, we totally got ripped off. We probably won't even keep Bernier and now we don't have any d. STUPID, STUPID, STUPID." And people were all convinced we would keep him. And then we didn't. So HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
In other, other news, Webby was sent down. Boo. So who's our d now?
Well, that's it. (:
"Initially, Rivet was not keen on the idea of coming to the Sabres."
Initially, Anna was not keen on the idea of Rivet coming to the Sabres. Oh wait, she still isn't.
But really, I thought that it would go to like the lovable Pommerdoodles... or Yo-Yo. But noooo, Super New Guy (and that's super as in 'very' not super as in 'amazingly cool'). Blah. Apparently it was a team vote, though. So that means he must have bribed them all. Pommerdoodles with doggy biscuits, Goose with bread crumbs, Spacey with driving lessons (though you're welcome to hit my parents' cars, I'm all for getting your autograph) and so on.
In other news, saying Super New Guy made me think of the old New Guy (aka Steve Bernier). Which reminded me, I never got to gloat about me being right. When Soupy was traded for him (tear), I was all "wow, we totally got ripped off. We probably won't even keep Bernier and now we don't have any d. STUPID, STUPID, STUPID." And people were all convinced we would keep him. And then we didn't. So HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
In other, other news, Webby was sent down. Boo. So who's our d now?
Well, that's it. (:
Monday, October 6, 2008
I know you're wonder what's with the pictures and who that guy is. But it's not one guy; there's two different guys. Gasp! The first one is Matthew Ellis and the second is good old Nolan Pratt. And that was the point. Pratt and Ellis are like twins. And according to wikipedia, they both weigh 207 lbs. It's a sign; they really were twins lost at birth!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Okay, so I've got some stuff to say.
First, ewww, the game. So I didn't actually watch it, but was informed about some stupid "Hey, your goal counted but we're not gonna count it. YAY," thing. It makes me think of the playoffs a while ago. It was against like the Rangers or Islanders, and I'm watching it at my grandparent's house with my uncle. So the Sabres score and we're all like YAYYYY. And then the refs are like FAIL, NO GOAL. And we're like, wow, that was obviously a goal. The stupid people in Toronto that decide goals are stupid and prejudice against the Sabres. I honestly thought for a while that they'd like flip a coin to decide goals. Or go "Hey, which team do you guys like better? The Rangers? Okay, no goal." Seriously, dude.
Second, I was like majorly sad when the guys got sent down on the 3rd. Seriously, I like hit something. And then I was all "oww, that hurt." But incase you're lame and don't know who was sent down, it included: Tim Kennedy, Mathieu Darche, Nathan Gerbe, Mark Mancari, Dylan Hunter, Marek Zagrapan (awww), Chris Butler, and Mike Funk. Booo.
Third, I watched Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure and it was idiotically funny. Hahaha. I suggest watching it if you haven't.
Lastly, I possibly want to go as the Sabres/hockey players for Halloween, so talk to me if you're interested. I think my cousins might be in on it already. We would go in my neighborhood and possibly see some Sabres; last year we saw Teppo & kids!
First, ewww, the game. So I didn't actually watch it, but was informed about some stupid "Hey, your goal counted but we're not gonna count it. YAY," thing. It makes me think of the playoffs a while ago. It was against like the Rangers or Islanders, and I'm watching it at my grandparent's house with my uncle. So the Sabres score and we're all like YAYYYY. And then the refs are like FAIL, NO GOAL. And we're like, wow, that was obviously a goal. The stupid people in Toronto that decide goals are stupid and prejudice against the Sabres. I honestly thought for a while that they'd like flip a coin to decide goals. Or go "Hey, which team do you guys like better? The Rangers? Okay, no goal." Seriously, dude.
Second, I was like majorly sad when the guys got sent down on the 3rd. Seriously, I like hit something. And then I was all "oww, that hurt." But incase you're lame and don't know who was sent down, it included: Tim Kennedy, Mathieu Darche, Nathan Gerbe, Mark Mancari, Dylan Hunter, Marek Zagrapan (awww), Chris Butler, and Mike Funk. Booo.
Third, I watched Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure and it was idiotically funny. Hahaha. I suggest watching it if you haven't.
Lastly, I possibly want to go as the Sabres/hockey players for Halloween, so talk to me if you're interested. I think my cousins might be in on it already. We would go in my neighborhood and possibly see some Sabres; last year we saw Teppo & kids!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
The Big Book of Nicknames
Sooo, the title pretty much explains everything. Here's where all the hockey nicknames go, organized into two categories; Sabres and non-Sabres. It will be updated as names are changed/created. I'd like to mention that not all of the names are my own invention, though some of them are. So, if you came up with it (or think you did) feel honored that I use your nickname!
Maxim Afinogenov- Max, Maxy, Maxarena
Chris Butler-
Tim Connolly- Walking Hazard, Timmy
Mattieu Darche-
Matt Ellis- Matty
Jhonas Enroth- Frosty the Goalieman
Paul Gaustad- Goose, Goosey
Nathan Gerbe- mini-Roy
Philip Gogulla- Googles, Googly
Marc-Andre Gragnani- Lucky Seventeen
Jochen Hecht- Yo-Yo
Patrick Kaleta- Pina Kaleta
Tim Kennedy-
Patrick Lalime- Limey
Toni Lydman*- Ludeee, Toni the Tiger
Clarke MacArthur- Cake Maker, Sir. Cake Maker, Sir. MacArthur
Adam Mair- Mairsy
Ryan Miller- Millsy, Ry-Ry, Crunchy
Dominic Moore- Domino, Moor, Domino the Moor
Teppo Numminen*- Nemo
Nathan Paetsch-
Daniel Paille- Pie YAY, Pie-Pie, 3.14
Dennis Persson-
Andrew Peters- Petey
Jason Pominville*- Pommerdoodles
Craig Rivet- Super New Guy, SNG, Ribbet
Derek Roy- Royzie, Roy-boy
Andrej Sekera- Sekera-Sekera
Jaroslav Spacek*- Spacey, Mr. Pigeon
Drew Stafford- Staffy
Henrik Tallinder*- Tally, Hank
Mikael Tellqvist- Telly, Vista, MikaVista
Thomas Vanek*- Vans, Van, Van-Van, Tommy
Mike Weber- Webbed, Webby, Webster
Marek Zagrapan- Zaggie, Zig Zaggie
Brian Campbell- Soupy
Ales Kotalik- Koda
* Waterford players; just felt like marking them, ha.
Maxim Afinogenov- Max, Maxy, Maxarena
Chris Butler-
Tim Connolly- Walking Hazard, Timmy
Mattieu Darche-
Matt Ellis- Matty
Jhonas Enroth- Frosty the Goalieman
Paul Gaustad- Goose, Goosey
Nathan Gerbe- mini-Roy
Philip Gogulla- Googles, Googly
Marc-Andre Gragnani- Lucky Seventeen
Jochen Hecht- Yo-Yo
Patrick Kaleta- Pina Kaleta
Tim Kennedy-
Patrick Lalime- Limey
Toni Lydman*- Ludeee, Toni the Tiger
Clarke MacArthur- Cake Maker, Sir. Cake Maker, Sir. MacArthur
Adam Mair- Mairsy
Ryan Miller- Millsy, Ry-Ry, Crunchy
Dominic Moore- Domino, Moor, Domino the Moor
Teppo Numminen*- Nemo
Nathan Paetsch-
Daniel Paille- Pie YAY, Pie-Pie, 3.14
Dennis Persson-
Andrew Peters- Petey
Jason Pominville*- Pommerdoodles
Craig Rivet- Super New Guy, SNG, Ribbet
Derek Roy- Royzie, Roy-boy
Andrej Sekera- Sekera-Sekera
Jaroslav Spacek*- Spacey, Mr. Pigeon
Drew Stafford- Staffy
Henrik Tallinder*- Tally, Hank
Mikael Tellqvist- Telly, Vista, MikaVista
Thomas Vanek*- Vans, Van, Van-Van, Tommy
Mike Weber- Webbed, Webby, Webster
Marek Zagrapan- Zaggie, Zig Zaggie
Brian Campbell- Soupy
Ales Kotalik- Koda
* Waterford players; just felt like marking them, ha.
Pre-Season Game Numero CLASH IN COLUMBUS
I'm not really entirely in a game note mood, but I'll give it a try. They might suck even more than usual tonight. xp
1. Anyways, Limey's in goal! This is bound to be a good game.
2. So, I hear that the next (and final) pre-season game is gonna be on MSG! Hooray.
3. Columbus score. What's up with the Sabres lately? As said by Neale, this 'giving up the first goal' is becoming a bad habit.
4. I feel the need to mention my goal to see Wayne Gretzky as president of the USA. After all, he was really born in the US and Canada just bribed them with maple syrup and mooses to erase all documents proving that, then promptly moved his family to Canada and pretended that he was born there (they bribed the family too). That was all when he was still really little, so he wouldn't know. It's all because Canada saw the future and knew he would be amazing and the USA just didn't understand. Just goes to show you, don't get bribed by Canadians.
5. Columbus had too many men on and the ref didn't care? Or do I not understand correctly?
6. Dude, the Bluejacket's hive has a cannon in it. And they fire it off before games. And it scared RJ "out of his shorts." Hahahaha.
7. Fight, fight, fight!
8. Oh wait, it's Peters. Suckishhhh.
9. Wow, if Peters just gets five minutes now, it'll be his forty-second. Penalty minutes, that is. Guess he won't be winning the "Most Gentlemanly Player" award and I really thought he would; he was in the running for about... five minutes.
10. I just thought I should inform you I'm going to die since I forgot my Euro binder and there's a test tomorrow. And I missed whatever happened in the past... I dunno how long.
11. UGHH. That memory loss commercial.
12. Hecht scored! With assists going to Pommerdoodles and Pie YAY.
13. Umm, I kinda lost like 7 things I wrote... oops?
14. So pretty much, the second period stuff was like "hey dudes, let's actually play well for once- just to mix things up." And then the Sabs scored twice, thanks to Van-Van and Koda. Then there was a big fight that I couldn't see. And I was doing math homework, so it was hard to pay attention. Especially since I had no idea what the hell I was doing and still need help since my parents don't know how to do this stuff either. One's a proof, by the way. That shows you how much you'll need proofs later on in life.
15. I wish I could've seen the fight. Limey was in on it. See, Limey rocks; Ry-Ry wouldn't of fought.
16. Just took a look at Willful Caboose; hilarious. I recommend reading Thumb Drama. HONK HONK (that means 'violas rock' in goose).
17. Did Tempo just score? Gasp. Two of the Waterford players have scored tonight!
18. Wow, the Sabres are leading 4-1? Cherry to my pie.
19. I think the Sabs are doing well to try and cheer me up; my day turned crappy. First the whole "I hate you all" thing from Aquilina then "I forgot my Euro stuff" then "I can't do these freaking math problems."
20. Why do hockey players all-minus a few- have weird names? What's wrong with like... Jordan Smith? I hear that guys with that name are outrageously hot. But really, they're all weirdly named.
21. GERBE SCOREDDDDDD! Marry me, Gerbs? (:
22. We're up 5-1, that's nearly dance worthy. I need a Gerbey song. Hmmm. Ipoding.
23. For some reason, Kelsey by Metro Station is in the running for Gerbey's song. Ha.
24. So the songs that are in the running are: Pictures To Burn- Taylor Swift, Kelsey- Metro Station, Nine in the Afternoon- Panic at the Disco, Only the Strong Survive- McFly, You'll Make It- Faber Drive or 24 Story Love Affair- Faber Drive. What do you think?
25. Ew, the Bees scored.
26. I've decided that the Sabres official song is now Our Time Now- Plain White T's. We'll see how long that lasts. Still need help with Gerbey's song.
27. "Meeting of the minds." BEST. TERM. EVER. Gotta love RJ.
28. You know what I just noticed? There's two Nathans on the team. It seems like everyone has a name twin on the team. Well, minus the weird European players with names like Teppo or Jochen.
29. One minute left. Dun dun dunnnnn.
30. I don't wanna jinx anything, but I'm pretty sure we're gonna win. Unless they score three goals in this less-than-a-minute.
31. GERBE FIGHTING! Divorce me and marry me again?
32. Game over, we win. YAY, YAY.
3. Pominville. He's just good.
2. Koda. Hello, he's a big lovable bear.
1. Gerbe. Well, I married him, I'm a little biased.
3. Peters. Blah.
2. Commodore. His name bugs me.
1. Nash. He is just annoying.
1. Anyways, Limey's in goal! This is bound to be a good game.
2. So, I hear that the next (and final) pre-season game is gonna be on MSG! Hooray.
3. Columbus score. What's up with the Sabres lately? As said by Neale, this 'giving up the first goal' is becoming a bad habit.
4. I feel the need to mention my goal to see Wayne Gretzky as president of the USA. After all, he was really born in the US and Canada just bribed them with maple syrup and mooses to erase all documents proving that, then promptly moved his family to Canada and pretended that he was born there (they bribed the family too). That was all when he was still really little, so he wouldn't know. It's all because Canada saw the future and knew he would be amazing and the USA just didn't understand. Just goes to show you, don't get bribed by Canadians.
5. Columbus had too many men on and the ref didn't care? Or do I not understand correctly?
6. Dude, the Bluejacket's hive has a cannon in it. And they fire it off before games. And it scared RJ "out of his shorts." Hahahaha.
7. Fight, fight, fight!
8. Oh wait, it's Peters. Suckishhhh.
9. Wow, if Peters just gets five minutes now, it'll be his forty-second. Penalty minutes, that is. Guess he won't be winning the "Most Gentlemanly Player" award and I really thought he would; he was in the running for about... five minutes.
10. I just thought I should inform you I'm going to die since I forgot my Euro binder and there's a test tomorrow. And I missed whatever happened in the past... I dunno how long.
11. UGHH. That memory loss commercial.
12. Hecht scored! With assists going to Pommerdoodles and Pie YAY.
13. Umm, I kinda lost like 7 things I wrote... oops?
14. So pretty much, the second period stuff was like "hey dudes, let's actually play well for once- just to mix things up." And then the Sabs scored twice, thanks to Van-Van and Koda. Then there was a big fight that I couldn't see. And I was doing math homework, so it was hard to pay attention. Especially since I had no idea what the hell I was doing and still need help since my parents don't know how to do this stuff either. One's a proof, by the way. That shows you how much you'll need proofs later on in life.
15. I wish I could've seen the fight. Limey was in on it. See, Limey rocks; Ry-Ry wouldn't of fought.
16. Just took a look at Willful Caboose; hilarious. I recommend reading Thumb Drama. HONK HONK (that means 'violas rock' in goose).
17. Did Tempo just score? Gasp. Two of the Waterford players have scored tonight!
18. Wow, the Sabres are leading 4-1? Cherry to my pie.
19. I think the Sabs are doing well to try and cheer me up; my day turned crappy. First the whole "I hate you all" thing from Aquilina then "I forgot my Euro stuff" then "I can't do these freaking math problems."
20. Why do hockey players all-minus a few- have weird names? What's wrong with like... Jordan Smith? I hear that guys with that name are outrageously hot. But really, they're all weirdly named.
21. GERBE SCOREDDDDDD! Marry me, Gerbs? (:
22. We're up 5-1, that's nearly dance worthy. I need a Gerbey song. Hmmm. Ipoding.
23. For some reason, Kelsey by Metro Station is in the running for Gerbey's song. Ha.
24. So the songs that are in the running are: Pictures To Burn- Taylor Swift, Kelsey- Metro Station, Nine in the Afternoon- Panic at the Disco, Only the Strong Survive- McFly, You'll Make It- Faber Drive or 24 Story Love Affair- Faber Drive. What do you think?
25. Ew, the Bees scored.
26. I've decided that the Sabres official song is now Our Time Now- Plain White T's. We'll see how long that lasts. Still need help with Gerbey's song.
27. "Meeting of the minds." BEST. TERM. EVER. Gotta love RJ.
28. You know what I just noticed? There's two Nathans on the team. It seems like everyone has a name twin on the team. Well, minus the weird European players with names like Teppo or Jochen.
29. One minute left. Dun dun dunnnnn.
30. I don't wanna jinx anything, but I'm pretty sure we're gonna win. Unless they score three goals in this less-than-a-minute.
31. GERBE FIGHTING! Divorce me and marry me again?
32. Game over, we win. YAY, YAY.
3. Pominville. He's just good.
2. Koda. Hello, he's a big lovable bear.
1. Gerbe. Well, I married him, I'm a little biased.
3. Peters. Blah.
2. Commodore. His name bugs me.
1. Nash. He is just annoying.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Pre-Season Game Numero UGHH.
1. Sooo, it's another game against the Wilds. Greatttt.
2. I still have a love/hate thing going on with Niklas Bäckström, by the way. I mean, just look at his name, how can you not love him? But he plays for an evilll team.
3. Okay, if we lose this game, it's not because of me making fun of the anthem-singer-person. This dude rocks. But I am missing the Canadian anthem, aren't you?
4. "Clash in Columbus" nice ring to it, eh? Go RJ and your alliteration.
5. Hooray, Harding's in goal instead of Bäckström. That is good, right?
6. Wow, it's like Neale was answering me or something. He was just talking about how Harding's the back up. Thanks to Neale and his somewhat-useless rambling.
7. Okay, does anyone else think of Madagascar when they say "The Wilds?" No, it's just me? I guess you don't start singing "I like to move it, move it," either....
8. "That and 10 cents gets you nothing in the league." Ha. I like that saying.
9. In the past 2 minutes, I've realized that a lot of my favorite players are playing. And the Sabres got a power play. Which doesn't really give me hope since our power play kinda sorta sucks.
10. See, the whole giving it up to the other team and giving them a two-on-one chance is sorta why I think of power play sucks.
11. Nice try, Sekera-Sekera.
12. I changed my mind, having this Harding dude in goal doesn't seem like such a great thing.
13. Goal forMadagascar Wilds. I don't have high hopes for this game, by the way.
14. Wow, they announce the goal scorers freaking fast. At HSBC it takes agessss.
15. Okay, is anyone else a little annoyed by the constant memory loss commercial? I wish I could lose the memory of that commercial.
16. Yay Cake Maker for almost scoring. He's sweet like that.
17. Penalty to us. Blah.
18. Madagascar is 3/27 on the power play, which I now know thanks to Neale. But that doesn't make me feel any better because sometimes the Sabres seem to like taking naps during the game.
19. See, they scored.We suck.
20. You may be starting to think I hate the Sabres, but it's not that. I just am honest in admit when we're not doing well. So don't think I hate them.
21. Sabres on the power play again.
22. Okay, we really, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY suck right now. In other words, we're down 3-0 and the last goal was shorthanded. Can you understand why I'm afraid of power plays both way? This is like the fourth shorthand we've given and it's not even regular season yet.
23. Is it me or does RJ say Mancari wrong?
24. So wait, the Sabres took Matt Ellis to sorta make up for Goosey being out? Well, what are we gonna do with him when the Goose is honking again?
25. Well, if I hadn't said it enough, we sucked up the first period.
26. I missed like six minutes of the second period. Oops.
27. Am I imagining things or is some guy's name Puma?
28. And do all the names sound like French verbs to me just because I didn't study yet? Either that or there's really a Pouvoir on the team.
29. Pie scored. YAY. =) By the way, I've been pretty much ignoring the game.
30. Haha, it was the 20th shot for the Sabres. Ironic.
31. Penalty to Madagascar? Ehh.
32. I like how there was 25 notes for the first period, then six for the second. Haha.
33. I'm oddly cheerful for some reason, but quite tired anyways. Who has Sophomore Stories? I want to write in it sometime soon.
34. Harding is a tool. Go jump in a lake. A cold one. With sharks in it.
35. Wait, Van-Van's second penalty? Lemme give you some advice, dude. Play better or everyone will blame you again. That's the price of being payed a lot.
36. Hmm. Thinking about it, maybe Van's just not doing well because little mini-Vanek is keeping him up all night with his crying.
37. And there goes Lydman. What do we blame that on?
38. ANOTHER PENALTY?! This is prejudice or something. It's just not cool, dude. Like it would make mini-Vanek cry, that's how uncool it is.
39. So, is mini-Vanek illegitimate or not? His parents are married, but they weren't when he was born....
40. Fighting or something? Wasn't paying attention.
41. Okay, this time it really was fighting of some sort. Wish I could see it.
42. I'm totally lost with all the penalties, but there's some more and we've got some. Whatevs.
43. You know what, as long as mini-Vanek's cute, his legitimacy doesn't matter (though I think he's not). Do you think the fact his name is Blake means he's destined to be hot?
44. Aww, stupid Harding. Pie YAY could've scored again.
45. BOOOO. That dude should've gotten a penalty. He hit our precious Pie-Pie.
46. You know, once you don't really care about winning or losing, the game is so much more enjoyable.
47. Hearing all these weird last names (or imagining I am) made me think of Harryeeta Sandwich. Yeah, I'm not naming /anything/ that, Jules Vern.
48. So pretty much Madagascar is composed ofHelen Burns, Harding, Nolan (not Pratt), Backstrom, Schoola, Puma, Shepard, Pouvoir, and more French-sounding stuff, yeah? Interesting.
49. BOOO, don't you hurt our Spacey.
50. So the Sabs have taken 30 shots and gotten one in? Someone go pull Harding out of the lake, take him up to a bridge and push him off. It will be much more satisfying watching him go SPLASH into the lake.
51. Koda gets a penalty? Did you not get the memo, ref? He's a big LOVABLE bear. Even RJ & Neale don't see the penalty.
52. No goal. In your faces. That comment's gonna come back to haunt me, yeah?
53. And a penalty to Madagascar? That's the cherry to my pie.
54. Wide of the net? Haha. But we still lose, so whatevs.
55. Cherry, cherry, cherry PIE.
56. Key lime PIE.
58. Don't matter, we lose. But it's time to sing the Sekera song. (:
59. PIE, PIE, PIE. Cherry, key lime, apple, chocolate, blueberry, boston cream, pumpkin, lemon.
60. Why isn't there orange pie? I like oranges.
3. Zaggie. He was doing really well.
2. Cake Maker. He's such a hardworking good player dude.
1. A tie between Pie-Pie and Sekera-Sekera. Both goal scorers of the game. Both determined sweetly amazing dudes.
3. Nolan. I kept going "OMG PRATT." Then "waitttt, not him."
2. Harding. He's a dork.
1. The Blue Jackets. Get out the bug spray, they're tomorrow's match up.
2. I still have a love/hate thing going on with Niklas Bäckström, by the way. I mean, just look at his name, how can you not love him? But he plays for an evilll team.
3. Okay, if we lose this game, it's not because of me making fun of the anthem-singer-person. This dude rocks. But I am missing the Canadian anthem, aren't you?
4. "Clash in Columbus" nice ring to it, eh? Go RJ and your alliteration.
5. Hooray, Harding's in goal instead of Bäckström. That is good, right?
6. Wow, it's like Neale was answering me or something. He was just talking about how Harding's the back up. Thanks to Neale and his somewhat-useless rambling.
7. Okay, does anyone else think of Madagascar when they say "The Wilds?" No, it's just me? I guess you don't start singing "I like to move it, move it," either....
8. "That and 10 cents gets you nothing in the league." Ha. I like that saying.
9. In the past 2 minutes, I've realized that a lot of my favorite players are playing. And the Sabres got a power play. Which doesn't really give me hope since our power play kinda sorta sucks.
10. See, the whole giving it up to the other team and giving them a two-on-one chance is sorta why I think of power play sucks.
11. Nice try, Sekera-Sekera.
12. I changed my mind, having this Harding dude in goal doesn't seem like such a great thing.
13. Goal for
14. Wow, they announce the goal scorers freaking fast. At HSBC it takes agessss.
15. Okay, is anyone else a little annoyed by the constant memory loss commercial? I wish I could lose the memory of that commercial.
16. Yay Cake Maker for almost scoring. He's sweet like that.
17. Penalty to us. Blah.
18. Madagascar is 3/27 on the power play, which I now know thanks to Neale. But that doesn't make me feel any better because sometimes the Sabres seem to like taking naps during the game.
19. See, they scored.
20. You may be starting to think I hate the Sabres, but it's not that. I just am honest in admit when we're not doing well. So don't think I hate them.
21. Sabres on the power play again.
22. Okay, we really, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY suck right now. In other words, we're down 3-0 and the last goal was shorthanded. Can you understand why I'm afraid of power plays both way? This is like the fourth shorthand we've given and it's not even regular season yet.
23. Is it me or does RJ say Mancari wrong?
24. So wait, the Sabres took Matt Ellis to sorta make up for Goosey being out? Well, what are we gonna do with him when the Goose is honking again?
25. Well, if I hadn't said it enough, we sucked up the first period.
26. I missed like six minutes of the second period. Oops.
27. Am I imagining things or is some guy's name Puma?
28. And do all the names sound like French verbs to me just because I didn't study yet? Either that or there's really a Pouvoir on the team.
29. Pie scored. YAY. =) By the way, I've been pretty much ignoring the game.
30. Haha, it was the 20th shot for the Sabres. Ironic.
31. Penalty to Madagascar? Ehh.
32. I like how there was 25 notes for the first period, then six for the second. Haha.
33. I'm oddly cheerful for some reason, but quite tired anyways. Who has Sophomore Stories? I want to write in it sometime soon.
34. Harding is a tool. Go jump in a lake. A cold one. With sharks in it.
35. Wait, Van-Van's second penalty? Lemme give you some advice, dude. Play better or everyone will blame you again. That's the price of being payed a lot.
36. Hmm. Thinking about it, maybe Van's just not doing well because little mini-Vanek is keeping him up all night with his crying.
37. And there goes Lydman. What do we blame that on?
38. ANOTHER PENALTY?! This is prejudice or something. It's just not cool, dude. Like it would make mini-Vanek cry, that's how uncool it is.
39. So, is mini-Vanek illegitimate or not? His parents are married, but they weren't when he was born....
40. Fighting or something? Wasn't paying attention.
41. Okay, this time it really was fighting of some sort. Wish I could see it.
42. I'm totally lost with all the penalties, but there's some more and we've got some. Whatevs.
43. You know what, as long as mini-Vanek's cute, his legitimacy doesn't matter (though I think he's not). Do you think the fact his name is Blake means he's destined to be hot?
44. Aww, stupid Harding. Pie YAY could've scored again.
45. BOOOO. That dude should've gotten a penalty. He hit our precious Pie-Pie.
46. You know, once you don't really care about winning or losing, the game is so much more enjoyable.
47. Hearing all these weird last names (or imagining I am) made me think of Harryeeta Sandwich. Yeah, I'm not naming /anything/ that, Jules Vern.
48. So pretty much Madagascar is composed of
49. BOOO, don't you hurt our Spacey.
50. So the Sabs have taken 30 shots and gotten one in? Someone go pull Harding out of the lake, take him up to a bridge and push him off. It will be much more satisfying watching him go SPLASH into the lake.
51. Koda gets a penalty? Did you not get the memo, ref? He's a big LOVABLE bear. Even RJ & Neale don't see the penalty.
52. No goal. In your faces. That comment's gonna come back to haunt me, yeah?
53. And a penalty to Madagascar? That's the cherry to my pie.
54. Wide of the net? Haha. But we still lose, so whatevs.
55. Cherry, cherry, cherry PIE.
56. Key lime PIE.
58. Don't matter, we lose. But it's time to sing the Sekera song. (:
59. PIE, PIE, PIE. Cherry, key lime, apple, chocolate, blueberry, boston cream, pumpkin, lemon.
60. Why isn't there orange pie? I like oranges.
3. Zaggie. He was doing really well.
2. Cake Maker. He's such a hardworking good player dude.
1. A tie between Pie-Pie and Sekera-Sekera. Both goal scorers of the game. Both determined sweetly amazing dudes.
3. Nolan. I kept going "OMG PRATT." Then "waitttt, not him."
2. Harding. He's a dork.
1. The Blue Jackets. Get out the bug spray, they're tomorrow's match up.
Delay of music.
Have you ever heard a song and loved it, so you go around and mention it to people and they're like "umm, no. Never heard it." So you deal with it. Then a few weeks-months later, everyone knows that song and they all 'love' it. And then you're like "I TOLD YOU ABOUT IT FOREVER AGO. IT'S AN OLD SONG!" Yeah, well, that annoys me. Case closed. xp
I just happened to think about it because lately the radio is obsessed with Picture To Burn by Taylor Swift, which even I knew of last year. Andddd everyone's been obsessed with Check Yes Juliet by We The Kings, which I also knew of forever ago. I heard them both on the radio within a span of 10 minutes. What's up with this? Is it because songs are being re-released or everyone's just really slow?
Even if it is because they're being re-released, I guess most people just are music failures and don't know many songs except what they play on the radio- which is probably 80% crap, if you're listening to Kiss anyways. z101 is slightly cooler because they play Hedley. And 99.9 is good to hear a mix of recent and older songs, plus there's good bands that only Canadian stations tend to play like Faber Drive and State of Shock.
Well, that's enough of me ranting about music. Go Sabres! I think I'll be doing game notes tonight, maybe I'll even post them as the game goes so you can read them while it's happening if you have nothing better to do. Gasp.
Oh and one last thing, I may be putting up a list of Sabre nicknames (or maybe hockey player nicknames in general) due to a suggestion to do so, and just because it'd be easier for me, not having to explain nicknames. S'all for now.
I just happened to think about it because lately the radio is obsessed with Picture To Burn by Taylor Swift, which even I knew of last year. Andddd everyone's been obsessed with Check Yes Juliet by We The Kings, which I also knew of forever ago. I heard them both on the radio within a span of 10 minutes. What's up with this? Is it because songs are being re-released or everyone's just really slow?
Even if it is because they're being re-released, I guess most people just are music failures and don't know many songs except what they play on the radio- which is probably 80% crap, if you're listening to Kiss anyways. z101 is slightly cooler because they play Hedley. And 99.9 is good to hear a mix of recent and older songs, plus there's good bands that only Canadian stations tend to play like Faber Drive and State of Shock.
Well, that's enough of me ranting about music. Go Sabres! I think I'll be doing game notes tonight, maybe I'll even post them as the game goes so you can read them while it's happening if you have nothing better to do. Gasp.
Oh and one last thing, I may be putting up a list of Sabre nicknames (or maybe hockey player nicknames in general) due to a suggestion to do so, and just because it'd be easier for me, not having to explain nicknames. S'all for now.
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