So anyways, I'm bummed out 'cause of some of the Sabres being send down. It's pretty depressing, eh?
Say farewell to:
Tyler Bouck- no idea who he is, but apparently he's pending waivers. Cool name dude, hope you stick around.
Jimmy Bonneau- same as the above dude.
Colton Fretter- Colton Fretter is an amazing name. Even better than the above mention, and he's not on waivers.
Marc-Andre Gragnani- LUCKY SEVENTEEN. He's my hero. I'll miss him.
Derek Whitmore- Dunno who that is.
Felix Schutz- Aww. He was a German dude, yeah?
Colin Murphy- Yeah, whatever.
Mike Card- Card is sweet. He's the Mike with good hair, yeah?
Mike Kostka- who?
Adam Dennis- who cares?
Tyler Meyers- aww, that dude's cool.
andddd Jhonas Enroth- I'm sad about saying good bye to Frosty the Goalieman. ):
Oh and Philip Gogulla was sent to Germany or whatever. I'm sure Hecht is mourning over the loss of his BFF.
So pretty much, all these guys are going to Portland (except Google is heading to Germany), so we won't see them unless the real Sabres are hurt. Which is actually really likely.
Whilst we're saying all the bad news, Paul Gaustad injured his thumb last game and won't be playing for a few weeks. I know, it seems a bit lame. Do geese even have thumbs? Maybe he broke a feather.
How about some good news?
Cake Maker was featured in an article in today's newspaper and has a shot at being a real Sabre!
Zaggie hasn't been sent down yet!
Coca Cola is a sponsor of the Sabres or something!
There's like a ton of Tylers and Mikes that are Sabres!
Felix really is German and is probably BFFZ with Hecht and Google too!
that spacing
things out
makes it look
like you have
And... uh... my birthday's soon.
Well, that's all.
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