Monday, September 29, 2008

Just Because

I just wanted to rant a little about how annoying school is.

1. Homework.
Okay, so it's supposed to help you learn stuff and all that junk they tell you. That's great and all, but do we really need 501 questions a night plus 5 novels to read plus 18 and 3/4 projects to complete on a nightly basis? I didn't think so.

2. Detention.
It's a joke these days. You came to class late= detention. You didn't do the homework= detention. You didn't complete the homework= detention. You disrespected the teacher/a classmate/any living thing/a pencil= detention. You breathed too loudly= detention.

3. Teachers.
Before you think I'm anti-teachers, I'm not. I'm just anti-teachers that go "oh, I know what it's like to have been in school and have tons of homework. I know you have other classes to worry about," and then give you massive amounts of work anyway. Either they want you to suffer as much as they did, or they really don't have a clue what they're talking about. Hypocrites.

4. Grades.
The whole grading system is annoying. Especially in English. It's not fair to be graded on your creative abilities, now is it? That's not something you can memorize. Yet, we are all the time. What's the point anyway?

5. Tests/quizzes.
I get the point of tests and quizzes. Really, I do. But is it necessary to have so many tests and quizzes that you don't even remember when you have them? Honestly, I think once teachers start giving more than one test or quiz a week, they're going overboard. Unless, there's a systematic order with it. Like Euro is cool. We have a unit test, then a quiz on the next unit the next day. Perfect sense.

6. Help.
There are some teachers that are willing to help you and all that, whether you were absent and need work that you missed or you don't understand something. And then there are those teachers who give you an evil glare and tell you to go sit down and either wait until the end of class or a free period/go look in some folder you were supposed to know about but didn't/ask someone else. Come on, teachers are supposed to be nice and helpful, right? I understand they get frustrated too, but no need to be mean.

Got any more? Feel free to comment/send me them. x3

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