Tuesday, November 11, 2008

the decline of the world... but mostly america.

Okay, so I'm taking on a little more than I can chew with this topic since there are so many influences to the decline of intelligence, morals, values, and other things in the world. But right now, I'm just going to focus on one that is blatantly obvious to me. The decline of television.

Now I'm not saying TV is bad, because it has the potential of being really good. There are tons of shows you can learn from. But right now, the majority of shows don't fit that description. And that's kinda sad.

Today I watched one episode of one of my favorite shows- Boy Meets World. Unfortunately it's not played on TV anymore and I had to watch it online, but I digress. Point is, Boy Meets World is a show that taught so many life lessons, it's crazy. And it was still an amazing show.

I think the one episode of Boy Meets World today had more life lessons in it than all the episodes of Hannah Montana I've been forced to endure put together and multiplied by fifteen. Yeah.

And that's why our future is bleak and everyone is messed up. TV changed from shows with good morals and life lessons to shows about selfishness and greed. So who are all the Corys and Shawns of our generation and the one growing up now? Certainly not all the kids wasting their time watching Hannah Montana or Wizards of Waverly Place or even iCarly.

I fear for the world.

On a lighter note...
I am my own worst Eskimo!

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