Friday, August 29, 2008

What I found cleaning out my backpack

Besides the junk, old post-it notes, a box of stale wheat thins, my planner, bio book, and food wrappers, I found a certain list I wrote.

Evil plans for team WEY:
1. Anchors (only to Mario + Luigi)
2. Stealing pears (sort-of lame, though)
3. "tuning" the violin (or should I say viola?)
4. Something with water balloons or tomatoes.
5. Messing up Mr. Frenchie Imposter's hair- a lot.
7. Leaving Scott with them.
8. Saying random weird stuff to them ("I see dead people").
9. Doing that ghost thing ("If anyone's there, knock twice.")
10. Say we hear knocking and claim their room is haunted.
11. Make a long + complicated story up about the ghost.
12. Leave a walkie talkie and proceed to "haunt" room.
13. Three words; in my pants. (aka play that) ((corrupt them))
14. Pretend we don't speak English when they know we do.
15. Speak with a strange accent and claim all people from Buffalo do.
16. Insult them kindly! ("I hate when people wear yellow- oh but it looks nice on you!")
17. Oreos and toothpaste?
18. Cookies + cream cheese- creep them out.
19. Throw bananas at them- it worked for Harry.
20. Get David Wagner to stalk them.
21. Show them a pic of Madame.
22. Tell them Scott is really from Mars, but they don't have to worry because he doesn't eat brains as much as he used to.
23. Show off our amazing Clarence Orchestra pencils. Jealous much?
24. Talk non-stop hockey.
25. Pretend to love a sport called Lafootkey and convince them it's real.
26. Pretend you have an imaginary pet and talk to it all the time (Blinky).
27. Sing. Loud. Badly.
28. Wear all your clothes backwards and claim it's a fashion statement.
29. Have someone get them sick.
30. Spit excessively. (hockey player style!)
31. Disagree with everything they say- especially when they're right!
32. Tell the same, boring, stories over and over.
33. Laugh obnoxiously, even when thinks aren't funny.
34. We have the Sabres- in their faces!
35. Hats + freezers = fun.
36. "Accidentally" spill things on them.
37. Talk in a secret code/language.
38. When they ask questions, answer it "Morrey style" ("Oh, you know.")

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